How Impactful Is Car Billboard Advertising?

The UK is a densely populated place, which means our roads are always busy. The graph below from the Department for Transport shows that apart from the year 2020 during the pandemic, annual road traffic from cars and taxis in the UK has risen since 1993. 

But what if you could make the most of this by having taxi wrap or on-vehicle LED digital screen campaigns that advertise your brand and maximise your reach? 

Drovo has the largest committed carbon-neutral media fleet in the UK, ideal for making an impact on on-street audiences.

A graph of car and taxi usage in the UK.

Car billboard advertising opens the door to plenty of OOH advertising opportunities. At Drovo Media, we run car billboard advertising campaigns using the latest shadowfencing technology. This technology empowers you to deliver complementary display ads to a consumer’s device as the branded vehicle passes by in immediate proximity.  

At Drovo, we are pathing the way and bridging the gap between digital advertising and Out-of-Home. 

Carry on reading to learn more about how effective car billboard advertising is.

The Power of Connecting with Local Audiences Through Car Billboard Advertising

To connect with local Out-of-Home audiences, guess what? You have to get out there and make sure your ads are seen by them! Car billboard advertising helps you do just this by dynamically moving through a location of your choice. 

Want to advertise your product in a particular borough of London? Get in contact with our expert team at Drovo today, and we will explain how we help you rocket launch your Out-of-Home transit media campaigns. 

Get in contact with Drovo

Want your DOOH campaigns to cut through the noise and connect with on-street audiences? Drovo’s screens are the solution.

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Transparent Locally Targeted Out-of-Home Ads

Tired of being left in the dark and struggling to track your local DOOH and OOH campaigns? Fortunately, that’s where the Drovo live tracking dashboard comes in handy.

You get plenty of accountability and transparency for your locally targeted car billboard advertising campaigns with Drovo. How so? Well, our live tracking dashboard provides you with real time data to help you monitor the progression of your on-vehicle advertising campaign, this includes impressions and miles driven for each of your vehicles. 

Click here to watch a video where the team explain all about how the Drovo live vehicle tracking dashboard works for Out-of-Home campaigns. 

Target Local Audiences’ Interests

So, you have set up a car billboard advertising campaign in a local area, but you don’t want to send ads to everyone in the geographic area, just your target audience. Geofencing now enables you to draw on data that looks into users’ likes, dislikes, filters, and the apps they use, provided they give location access permissions on their mobile device. This information together with the shadowfencing technology we use at Drovo helps you to granular target your audience demographic and their interests. Shadowfencing means you can double down on connecting with local audiences in car billboard advertising campaigns by sending complimentary mobile ads to people in close proximity to your vehicle or travelling in it.

Send car billboard ads to local audience groups that you know are interested in your product, and it will increase brand awareness and make brand engagements and conversions more likely.

The Freedom to Choose the Location of the Car Billboard Advertising Campaign

Location plays a vital role in targeted DOOH and OOH advertising. The beauty of car billboard campaigns is that you will be in control of where you want your ad to circulate and be shown. 

Are you noticing more positive interactions and ROI potential for your transit media ads in one specific location over others? Why not focus more of your on-vehicle campaigns there? 

The Wide Reach of Car Billboard Advertising

The fact you can move with street audiences with car billboard advertising means your reach is far wider than static billboards or digital screens. The impact of the broader reach of moving car billboards is higher interactions with your brand. 

Car billboards are ideal for both above the line advertising campaigns aimed at larger audiences or more targeted below the line advertising in local areas.  

Enhanced Visibility and Brand Awareness

To create a buzz around your product and brand, generating high visibility in your OOH campaigns is vital. Run a targeted Out-of-Home moving transit campaign in London, and you will accumulate tons of impressions from members of the public across all walks of life and demographics. If your brand is new or has only been set up recently, you can bet that plenty of consumers will become aware of your brand in no time thanks to on-vehicle OOH campaigns. 

The Cost-effectiveness of Car Billboard Advertising

For traditional billboards, there is a limited number of prime locations, and this drives the prices up. Hence you can pay thousands per month to run static printed or digital billboard Out-of-Home campaigns in major UK cities.

Having moving on-vehicle campaigns in busy city streets equals astronomically high impressions. Therefore, the CPM (Cost Per Mille) of car billboard advertising campaigns is highly competitive compared to other media formats. 

On-vehicle screen campaign

Want to run a DOOH campaign with Drovo?

Since you’ve reached the end of the blog, let’s have a chat about on-vehicle screen campaigns

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