London Billboard Advertising: Best Practices

Millions of residents and tourists are exposed to outdoor advertising in London every year, with the capital’s hospitality industry bouncing back and recovering impressively from the pandemic and welcoming millions more visitors in 2023

Therefore, a well-strategised London billboard advertising campaign has plenty of potential to boost your brand’s reach and visibility with audiences in the capital.

How do you take your campaigns to the next level and add more value to your London billboard advertising efforts? Here we take a closer look.

Encourage Audience Interaction with Your London Billboard Advertising Campaigns

Your billboard campaigns in London should aim to attract as much interest as possible by captivating audiences. 

Grasp audiences’ attention by integrating interactive elements into your London billboard advertising campaigns that increase high-quality direct interactions and engagements with your brand.

Out-of-home audiences can interact with your London billboard campaigns through:

  • QR codes that they can interact with using mobile devices
  • Touchscreen billboard campaigns for outdoor audiences to interact with
  • Posting User-generated Content on your billboard campaigns, e.g. user videos or photos. Using UGC in your OOH advertising will turn your customers into legitimate brand advocates and supporters.

Choose Billboards in Locations That Will Have a Maximum Impact on Your Target Audience

Learning all about your target audience and their behaviours is the first step to launching an effective OOH campaign in London.

Where in London does your target audience frequent and at what times of the day? 

Modern DOOH capabilities enable the strategic targeting of audiences, whilst also using real-world triggers to enhance contextual messaging. These include:

  • Weather conditions
  • Times of the day
  • Days of the week
  • Special days of the year, e.g. Valentine’s Day or New Year’s Day
  • Live events, like nearby concerts or sports matches, which lead to significant increases in street-level footfall

Compliment Static Billboards with Transit Media Mobile Billboards 

The beauty of modern-day digital billboards over traditional static printing billboards is that they display multiple ads and rotate – giving you more for your money.

Drovo’s full wrap taxi advertising mobile campaigns move with your audiences and reach hard to reach audiences in the smallest of urban spaces, including the side streets and passageways.

Add value to your London billboard advertising efforts by complementing it with taxi creatives with mobile billboards. Use different advertising formats to convey your brand messaging to outdoor audiences in a way that strikes a chord with them.

Taxi campaign in front of London eye

Get in contact with Drovo

Striving to make a genuine impact on OOH audiences? Taxi advertising campaigns with Drovo are the solution.

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Measurable Transit Media Campaigns in London

Having data to hand that allows you to closely monitor the progress of your transit media mobile billboard campaigns in London is vital. 

How else will you have a clear idea of whether your brand messaging is reaching your target audience in the right locations?

With the Drovo dashboard, you no longer have to make guesses about the current progress of your taxi campaigns. 

Our proprietary live vehicle tracking dashboard provides brands and advertisers with insightful accessible campaign information, including real-time data on impressions and the distance driven by each vehicle involved in the campaign.

At Drovo, we care about the planet and ensure our advertising is sustainably focused. Our tracking capabilities also allow us to offset 100% of the carbon emissions in our campaigns.

As well as taxi media campaigns, we also offer on-vehicle digital billboard advertising in London, something which is new-to-market in the UK. Our screens are high-resolution and attract the attention London audiences.

Drovo taxi campaign with Expleo

Interested in taxi advertising with Drovo?

Since you’ve got to the end of the blog, let’s have a chat about taxi campaigns

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