Spotlight: Drovos Vehicle Tracking and Carbon Offsetting

On-vehicle advertising has become increasingly popular in the UK, as it allows brands to reach a wide street-level audience in a cost-effective way. However traditionally this form of advertising is not without its environmental impact. Drovo takes steps to reduce and offset every campaign’s carbon footprint, such as encouraging the use of fuel-efficient vehicles and encouraging the use of electric black taxis, electric / hybrid commercial fleet vehicles and electric / hybrid private vehicles.

For vehicle wrapping, we offer a more eco-friendly non-PVC wrap material as an additional option – featured on our black taxi campaign for Mermaid Gin (below). In addition to the aforementioned steps Drovo also ensures that the accurate and thorough carbon offsetting of each campaign is a priority, one which further reduces an advertiser’s impact on the environment.

Drovo’s proprietary technology allows clients to track their vehicles and campaigns in real-time, which provides an accurate estimate of the emissions associated with their advertising. The company’s advanced vehicle tracking algorithms ensure that all vehicle mileage is precisely tracked, allowing Drovo to offset those emissions. By investing in carbon offset projects, such as forest protection and reforestation, Drovo is able to mitigate the impact of its advertising on the environment.

In addition, by offsetting all of the mileage within a campaign by default, by opting into a campaign with Drovo both drivers and advertisers can further their own personal and corporate carbon responsibilities as all of our drivers’ vehicle journeys take place regardless of whether they are in a campaign or not.

Drovo is committed to being 100% carbon neutral, and has implemented a number of sustainability measures, including working with carbon offsetting partners.

Detailed real-time vehicle tracking allows for advertisers to offset their campaign’s emissions precisely.

If you’d like to learn more about Drovo’s technology and how it helps us offset our carbon emissions please get in touch!