A Guide to Targeted Brand Marketing in 2024

The population of London itself is 9 million, and in the Greater London urban area, that number increases to 12-13 million! That’s without counting the millions of tourists that pass through the capital every year.

Large metropolitan areas like London offer huge reach and plenty of potential for brand marketing to supercharge awareness of your brand amongst consumers. Whether through online or traditional media formats such as television, radio or OOH, there are lots of media channels to consider when planning a brand marketing campaign, and each has its strengths.

Brand driving channels are often known for reaching the masses, though. So, what if you could narrow the targeting parameters of your brand campaign to get better results? 

At Drovo Media, we are revolutionising OOH with a first-to-market format that provides sophisticated targeting from a network of on-vehicle screens. We understand the needs of brand advertisers and therefore offer a new way of delivering effective awareness-driving messaging in a more efficient way. 

Continue reading to learn more in this guide about targeted brand marketing in 2024.

What is Brand Marketing? 

Brand marketing encompasses all marketing activities utilised to improve brand-related metrics, such as awareness, consideration, recall and sentiment.

Generating positive brand-consumer relationships and solid brand recognition amongst audiences doesn’t just happen by magic – it requires in-depth market research and strategic messaging. 

What Is Targeted Brand Marketing?

Targeted brand marketing involves a more tailored approach to media and marketing efforts with the goal of focusing brand messaging on specific audience groups.

Common targeting parameters are demographics and geographic location, for instance, targeting ads to 18-24 year olds in South-East London.

At Drovo, we offer on-vehicle targeted brand marketing campaigns with the ability to change ads in real time based on a wide variety of data-triggers. Interested in running a targeted on-vehicle brand marketing campaign in London and other UK cities with Drovo? Get in touch with our friendly and knowledgeable team today. 

Car top drovo digital screen in london

Get in contact with Drovo

Want your DOOH campaigns to cut through the noise and connect with on-street audiences? Drovo’s on-vehicle screens are the solution.

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Targeted Brand Marketing Examples 

The goal behind brand marketing is to improve upon brand-related metrics, such as increasing recall or favorability. But how is this achieved? What tactics are used?

Paid Digital Advertising

There is high competition between brands across online platforms these days, with there now being over 9 billion Google searches made per day worldwide.

So, how do you ensure your paid online ads stand out from the crowd?

Through your brand’s targeted search marketing activities, you aim to connect and drive traffic towards online customers who fit the right profile of being inclined to be interested in your products or services. 

Displaying relevant digital ads to your target audience is more than likely to lead to higher conversions.

Google ads and Meta ads are examples of two paid digital advertising platforms you can make the most of for your targeted brand marketing campaigns online.


SEO is the whole process of making improvements to your website and online marketing content in order to raise its visibility on search engines. SEO techniques will help your brand make an impact on your target audience by ensuring your online marketing content matches with potential customers’ search intent. 

What are they searching for and how do you communicate how your products or services help to resolve their queries or problems? 

Is your product more niche meaning that it will appeal to a smaller size audience demographic? 

If so, well planned SEO endeavours could do wonders for your targeted brand marketing and ensure you put the product you are selling in front of your intended audience’s eyes. 

User Generated Content 

Laying down the foundations for customers to create User Generated Content can help boost your targeted brand marketing strategy. 

User Generated Content is brand-related content created by your customers and then uploaded onto social media sites.

The main benefit of promoting online UGC amongst users is that it means customers are transformed into advocates of your product and brand for all to see! 

Good news spreads fast online, and User Generated Content is therefore an excellent form of social proofing and encouraging other potential customers to be drawn towards your brand and buy your products.

GoPro leveraged UGC for their branded marketing in a clever way by ensuring their video editing program automatically bears the company logo, and GoPro then shares this UGC customer footage on their social media accounts. 

The impact of this was lots of GoPro users creating branded videos, as well as grasping the attention of anyone searching the net who finds the adrenaline-fueled footage enthralling to watch, thus leading them to become interested in the brand. As of March 6th 2024, the company is worth 343.26 million US Dollars on the stock exchange. 

The Benefits of Targeted OOH Brand Marketing Campaigns

Target brand marketing isn’t just limited to the digital space. With recent advancements in technologies such as dynamic creative and programmatic DOOH, out-of-home advertising now has the ability to provide effective audience and location-based targeting.

Traditional OOH advertising formats, such as static billboards, are strong formats for reaching the masses but provide limitations when it comes to targeting. 

Utilising dynamic screens on top of vehicles – effectively car billboard advertising – can offer significant opportunities to drill down on specific locations and change messaging based on audience demographics, making it a highly effective and efficient format for targeted brand efforts.                                                                                     

New Technology Allows You to Geotarget Your OOH Brand Marketing Campaigns

An identified target audience may be based in a small location. 

Brands need their Out-of-Home brand marketing campaigns to be visible in the specific geographic locations that target audiences frequent, otherwise, they won’t see your ads and learn about your products/services!

Fortunately, not only does the programmatic OOH technology our screens use at Drovo mean you can set up and roll out on-vehicle ads in specific locations in a matter of minutes, but thanks to shadowfencing technology, your OOH ads with us will follow your audience in transit.

Our shadowfencing feature and retargeting algorithm work by delivering a complementary display ad to a consumer’s device as the branded vehicle passes by in immediate proximity, thereby continuing the conversation onto their mobile devices.

Display Your Ads to Consumers Interested in Your Products or Services

Your OOH brand marketing is much more likely to lead to conversions and sales if you display your ads to audiences already interested in your products and services. A leading beauty retailer piloted shadowfencing with on-vehicle mobile billboards placed in front of 5 different big store openings, the number of clicks from retargeted outdoor audience viewers was 83% higher from shadowfencing compared to geofencing.

Creative OOH Campaigns Make Your Brand More Memorable to Consumers

Your OOH campaign is more likely to resonate with consumers and produce results when your brand creative is clear, bold and imaginative.

3D digital billboard screens, on-vehicle ads, and mural advertisements are just a few examples of the many unique OOH formats available for brands to leverage in 2024, and these non-traditional formats lend themselves to a lot of creativity in your artwork!

Remember that consumers’ attention spans are short these days, hence captivating their attention quickly with bold, exciting and easy to digest creative is important.


Want to run a DOOH campaign with Drovo?

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